Monday, April 22, 2013

Posture and Alignment

Hello, all! I decided it was time to make a new post. I attended a course recently in Indiana where Bill Hartman was the main speaker. Here is a quote from him, where he breaks down the basics of the course I attended:

"....body segments held out of alignment for extended periods will result in adaptive shortening or lengthening and further result in postural deterioration...

...malalignment will cause inefficient interaction of muscle strength, joint proprioception in the foot and ankle, alignment, and postural tone...

... if the individual uses compensatory shoulder elevation and neck shortening for stability due to an inactive trunk, there will be consequential inefficiencies in trunk rotation and increasing postural misalignment...

...Failure to organize dynamic alignment and synergistic action of the musculoskeletal system will result in compensatory learning...

...Normal musculoskeletal alignment provides for kinesiological synergistic activation of muscle groups for stability in the core of the body an sustained activation of the musculature of the limbs for perform complex tasks...

So my question to all... if you don't know how to determine position/alignment of your client, you can't restore neutral. If you're not restoring neutral, then how effective do you think your training program will be?

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