Saturday, March 29, 2014

Bullets from Eric Schoenberg, Eric Cressey, and Matt Blake: Part 3

About a month or two ago, Eric Cressey (@EricCressey) hosted a baseball training mentorship at his facility in Massachusetts. He had a few guest speakers there, including Eric Schoenberg and Matt Blake (@Blake_Matt). They were "live tweeting" during the event, trying to share some info on Twitter with their followers. If you already follow these two, then you may have seen this information before. If you haven't (and even if you have), I suggest you click to read more as I will post a few of the bits I found good for parents/coaches/etc.

While the purpose of this mentorship may have been geared toward baseball players, A LOT of the information they shared can be applied to athletes of many different sports.

There is a lot of information here, so I'm breaking this up into three parts. Part One will be quotes from Eric Schoenberg. Part Two from Eric Cressey. Part Three from Matt Blake.

Finally getting around to posting the Third and final part of these bullets. Click to read on.

  1. "High school athletics account for more than 2 million injuries annually and more than 3.5 million sports injuries under the age of 14."
  2. "50% of all MLB starting pitchers go on the DL (disabled list) every year, as well as 34% of relievers" - Conte 2012
  3. "Don't get too caught up in measuring stride length. It's much more about stability and direction in a given position."
  4. Monitor shin angle on drive leg during initial descent from leg lift. Drift forward too much and you'll give up hip rotation early."
    --> Randy Sullivan (ARMory CEO): "The stride is the product of the ride. Ride the hips and the foot lands where it must."
  5. "Thought of the Day: If your 'warm-up' to throw requires a recovery shake before the first throw...You're doing it wrong... Activate and Mobilize."
    -->Driveline Baseball: "The secret to weighted baseball training is to constantly monitor the athlete's response to over/under load programming and adjusting."
  6. "Every throw has information in it. Be willing to listen and adjust after each one."
  7. "In wind-up, there's room for variance in step direction, but must start REPEATABLE rhythm to control leg swing into gather position."
  8. "Pitchers: The sooner you can start to associate the dynamics of your ball flight with sensations in your delivery, the sooner you can self-correct."
  9. It's not usually about changing the path/action of pitcher's limb, but more about changing the timing of an action in relation to the others."

Matt Blake provides a lot of good information, specifically for pitchers (of all ages). He's a very good resource if you deal with developing baseball players, or any overhead athletes.

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