Saturday, February 23, 2019

Are High School Athletes Eating Enough?

Today's post is one that I feel needs to be addressed. This doesn't just go for high school athletes, but they are the ones that I come into the most contact with, so I see it more often at that level.

To me, the answer is a resounding "no."

Friday, February 22, 2019

Low back pain? Don't ignore the hip flexors!

I work with many people that are suffering from low back pain. There are a number of reasons why these people come in for treatment, ranging from car accidents to sports injuries. While the hip flexors aren't always the culprit, I want to help explain why they may be causing your low back pain.

Monday, February 18, 2019

Rehabilitation following Ulnar Nerve Transposition

Let me say this first: I will absolutely try to shorten this post down as much as I can, while still providing valuable content/education. This topic can be a long one when you start breaking down the who/what/where/when and the impact of the ulnar nerve. I will try to keep it to the most predominant information as it pertains to baseball/softball players and overhead athletes, in general.

With that being said, lets get started!