Saturday, December 2, 2017

Subacromial Decompression Surgery: Is it a joke??

Ever deal with chronic shoulder pain? Ever heard of this surgery, which is meant to help relieve your pain/symptoms? Check out my video below! A recent study says Subacromial Decompressions may be all in your head!

Monday, June 12, 2017

Dealing with Low Back Pain: Part 2

In Part Two of Dealing with Low Back Pain, I'll go into detail (somewhat) on different strategies you can try to help decrease, reduce, minimize, or maybe even eliminate your low back pain.

Let's get into it ...

Monday, May 1, 2017

Dealing with Low Back Pain: Part 1

This is going to be a two part post the discusses one of the more common ailments that the general public will experience at some point in their life. Working in the outpatient physical therapy world, I personally will see/work with multiple patients throughout the year that have either chronic or acute low back pain. (Chronic refers to pain that you have experienced for many weeks/months/years, whereas acute is a more recent injury)

Image result for back pain'
Low back pain is common in many people (Image from Google Images)

These two posts will be more geared toward chronic issues, but can also hit on the acute symptoms you might see.

Part One will discuss common characteristics I see in patient's with chronic low back pain. Part Two will go into detail on a couple different exercises you can try at home to see if your symptoms decrease/resolve.

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Effects of Music On the Brain

It's been a while, as I was finishing up Physical Therapist Assistant (PTA) classes. I've been sitting on some of these posts, which are essentially projects that I did while going through the PTA program.

This post (which is basically a bunch of bullet points) focuses on the positive effects music can have on you and your cognition, among other things.